Ornamental Bamboos - Though many different bamboos can serve multiple purposes, these highly colored, eye catching specimens are often best appreciated as ornamental plantings. Stripped of their lower branches, and maintained in contained areas, these make an impressive, highly visible focal point in any landscape.
'Allgold' |
| Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Allgold'
An exceptional ornamental variety, 'Allgold' produces beautiful, light yellow culms. Stripped of its lower branches, and contained in a small area, 'Allgold' makes an eye-catching focal point for any garden. Cold hardy to 5 degrees F.
'Castillon' |
| Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Castillon'
Another cultivar of 'Japanese giant timber bamboo', P. bambusoides 'Castillon' produces golden yellow culms with alternating green grooves and stripes, making this spectacular ornamental a show-stopper! Reaching 35' with 2" diameter culms, this brightly striped bamboo makes an immediate impression. Hardy to 0 degrees F.
'Leopard' Bamboo |
| Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Tanakae' (Leopard Bamboo)
A cultivar of 'Japanese giant timber bamboo', this bamboo produces spots of variable number, size and shape on its culms. These markings give groves of P. bambusoides 'Tanakae' eye-catching visual interest overlaying the backdrop of its very green, waxy culms. Groves of Leopard Bamboo, may, over time, attain 70 feet in height and 5+ inch culm diameters. Cold hardy to 5 degrees F.
'Black' Bamboo |
| Phyllostachys nigra 'Black'
A striking addition to any landscape, black bamboo contrasts deep purple-black culms with small, delicate lime green foliage. Culms grow to a maximum height of 30' and 2" diameter. New culms are initially green, but begin to pigment after 6-12 months. Cold hardy to 0 degrees F.
'Black' Bamboo |
'Black' Bamboo |
'Black' Bamboo |
'Temple' Bamboo |
| Semiarundinaria fastuosa (Temple, Palm, Narihira Bamboo)
Evoking thoughts of faraway, sacred places, 'Temple' bamboo is sure to work its magic in your landscape! Straight, branchless culms up to 30' in height, topped with a characteristic cone of green foliage make this bamboo truly awe-inspiring. Cold hardy to -5 degrees F.
'Temple' Bamboo |
'Temple' Bamboo |
'Tootsik' Albostriata |
| Sinobambusa tootsik 'Albostriata'
An amazing, highly variegated bamboo! This 'tighly running' bamboo is a prolific shooter, reaching 24-28ft max ht. and ~1" max diameter. It brings an eyecatching 'light' wherever it is placed in the landscape. So white and reflective, in fact, this plant glows in the evening dusk and on moonlight nights. A treasured member of our ornamental collection. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
P. viridis 'Robert Young' |
| Phyllostachys viridis 'Robert Young'
Both ornamental and giant bamboo, this yellow, cylindrical stunner can attain 50 feet in maximum height and 3 inches in maximum culm diameter in our climate. Culms emerge dark lime green and age to golden yellow. Occasional longitudinal lines of variable width are present on some internodes. A large, dramatic bamboo. Cold hardy to -5 degrees F.
P. viridis 'Robert Young' - new culms |
'Robert Young' culm stripe |
'Robert Young' culm stripe |
P. aurea 'Holochrysa' ('Golden Golden') |
| Phyllostachys aurea 'Holochrysa' ('Golden Golden')
Yes, that's right, 'Golden Golden' is actually the accepted common name for this rather striking bamboo. This subtype of P. aurea maintains its parent's upright stance while displaying a true 'golden' appearance. Culms emerge green, quickly turning yellow and aging to a yellow gold. Our clone displays a much greater number of assymetric nodes and short, stacked internodes than its parent plant. A beautiful standing grove. Cold hardy to 0 degrees F.
P. aurea 'Holochrysa' ('Golden Golden') |
P. aurea 'Holochrysa' ('Golden Golden') |
P. aurea 'Holochrysa' ('Golden Golden') |
Phyllostachys aurea 'Koi' |
| Phyllostachys aurea 'Koi'
Another highly colorful subtype of Phyllostachys aurea. Koi's culms turn from green to yellow after the first 6 months with the culm grooves remaining green, creating a striking 'green-striped' effect. This clone also produces a great many short, stacked internodes along the base of the culms as well as its assymetric tortoise shell nodes. As with its parent plant, approximately one fifth of the culms display one or more of these interesting forms. Cold hardy to 0 degrees F.
P. aurea 'Koi' Grove |
P. aurea 'Koi' |
P. aurea 'Koi' |
P. aurea 'Flavescens Inversa' |
| Phyllostachys aurea 'Flavescens Inversa'
The reverse color scheme from P. aurea 'Koi', 'Flavescens Inversa' is a more subtly striped bamboo having pale yellow grooves along its green culms. It is virtually indistinguishable from its parent at a distance, but this 'aurea' has a secret, best discovered upon close inspection. Its yellow stripes are an unexpected surprise found amid the foliage. Cold hardy to 0 degrees F.
P. aurea 'Flavescens Inversa' |
P. aurea 'Flavescens Inversa' |
P. aurea 'Flavescens Inversa' |
More to come........, please check back, soon:
Phyllostachys aureosulcata Spectabilis (Green Groove) Phyllostachys vivax Aureocaulis Phyllostachys vivax Huangwenzhu
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